- - Alemite Corporation
- - Asheville HUB Alliance
- - Business Expansion Funding Corporation (BEFCOR)
- - Bonsal American Inc.
- - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Housing Partnership
- - Charlotte Regional Partnership
- - City of Charlotte
- - Communities in Schools- Charlotte
- - Fern Templeton
- - Greater Yuma Economic Development Corporation
- - Levine Museum of the New South
- - Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education
- - New Carolina: South Carolina's Council on Competitiveness
- - North Carolina Arboretum Society
- - Partners in Performance (PIP)
- - Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO)
- - Top 5 Inc.
- - Tru-Contour, Inc.
- - University of North Carolina
" THE COMAN COMPANY brought an extraordinary array of talent,
intellect and resourcefulness to the President's Advisory Committee on Efficiency and Effectiveness (PACE) - quickly establishing herself as a valued partner in our study. COMAN COMPANY PRESIDENT HILARY COMAN brings the right blend of strategic thinking and practical tools to her clients. Focused and creative, she provided us with a road map to success and was with us the entire way - on time and on budget."
James O. Smith
Associate Vice President for Finance
University of North Carolina